' salam caer, apa khabar? ma, abah, ali, mur n pak udin paman n family sume on d to kl naik bas'
a few second after that, abah's name appeared on my phone..
x sempat nak reply lg..hihi..quite sometimes i think since the last time i talked to them..now only i remember that anip's wedding ceremony..this monday..pak udin rent d whole bus n gonna go to pick up they all n attend d cer. all together somewhere in kelantan..have a short talk with abah, abang ok? denganye macam down je.. haha.. laughed a bit..then ma is on d line.. sambung sembang2..this gonna b my 2nd time missing my cousin's wed cer. .. seda x sedar da 2 dah cousin aku kawen, aku bile lagi??haha,, xpe2.. kumdian2 lerr pikir,, jauh lagi dlm list first thing first aku..haha..
fuad will have his a level's exam too somewhen around this year..honestly i dont even know bout d actual date..apo penye abang dah..hopefully he'll make it n next jan maybe his turn will come..haha..but then kan, for d next punye next punye next year nnti, im thinking when will be d next time i n fuad gonna spend time together..my holidays will be around june to sept, and his must be around dec to feb, so? for the next 5 years, ape nak jadi..
somehow, theres a few things that i really scared to face..to b truth,i scared to face mr. future..d phrase 'bile mase tu nnti aku ...' or 'aku akan... 'or even ' cam ne lerr aku nnti bile...'
maybe it is quite easy to say it by words, ' x pe, nnti de rezeki kite jumpe la' or ' x pe mane2 pon kite still dekat di hati' huk3.. but d real is its not that easy to face d real one when d time comes..

waiting is tiring...
haih.. xpe2.. chill2..hehe..
maybe lumrah dok kat tempat org mmg macam nih, allah letakkn satu tu bebetul di tempatnye, tiada yg terkurang tiada yg terlebih, mencukupi buat hamba2nye yg tahu bersyukur..harap sekeping hati nih dikuatkan,dmudahkan segala2nya di luruskan jalannya, dan di redhakan langkahnye..aminn..
malam nih pon aku sembang ngn abby gak..
die tgh cuti sem da nih..mesti die tgh struggle kat sne..
haha... base lerr..d nature of abby..nak kalah plak..haha
but katenye kalah gak .." pade cinte" hahaha..
sengal.. tah pape je,,wish die all d best lerr.
denga citenye, dapat 5 offer uni dah kat sane..
tgh pening nak pilih yg mne satu..
doa2kn mmber yg sorg nih dapat tempat yg terbaik untuk die k..
k lah..
since sunday nih women's day, wish all women around d world, happy women's day, padamu muslimah, di mana jua adanya diri itu, tetaplah terus menjadi pasak pembangunan ummah,.. insyaallah..
till nxt post lerr ye..
next week de anatomy exam, - digestive system- sir anatoly dah warning awal2 dah..
ill do my very best n dapatkan 5 utk xm kali nih..
-pen off-